Bone-Health Supplements: What You and Your Family Really Need

Tanish Chopra
4 min readMay 20, 2022


Did you know that your bones are living organs that continue to develop and change throughout your life? Did you know that when you’re young, your bones grow and get stronger? Did you know that as you age, your bones become weaker and more prone to breaking? If you didn’t know any of these things, don’t feel bad. Most people don’t. Yet the fact is that good bone health is one of the most important ways to protect yourself from osteoporosis (or weak or brittle bones) in old age. And while there are many things you can do to help keep your bones healthy (like getting plenty of exercise, drinking lots of water, limiting the amount of alcohol you drink, and eating a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D), the right kinds of bone health supplements can also have a positive impact on your overall bone density.

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a degenerative bone disease characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue that increases the risk of bone fractures. Unfortunately, osteoporosis often goes undiagnosed until a person experiences a bone fracture from a simple fall or sudden impact. Osteoporosis is most common in people over the age of 50, but it can occur in younger people as well, including women going through menopause and people with poor nutrition. If you have osteoporosis, your risk of breaking a bone is much higher than someone whose bones are healthy.

Bone Health Supplements: What You Need to Know

Because your bones are living tissues, they need nutrients to stay strong and healthy. But when you’re young and your bones are growing and developing, or when you’re older and your bones are thinning and weakening, it becomes even more important to get the right nutrients. When you’re young, one of the most important nutrients for healthy bones is calcium. Calcium is essential for building strong, healthy bones and teeth, and it’s also important for a number of other body functions. When you’re getting older, calcium is still important, but you’ll also want to make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and is important for strong bones.

Calcium Supplements

Calcium is an essential mineral for strong bones. Adequate intake of calcium can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures in older adults. Calcium can be found in dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese. Calcium supplements can also be helpful to boost the amount of calcium in a diet. Calcium supplements come in many forms, including calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium lactate and calcium gluconate. Calcium supplements are often formulated with vitamin D to boost their effectiveness. When choosing a calcium supplement, keep in mind that different calcium supplements have different absorption rates. Calcium carbonate has a slower and more predictable rate of absorption than other types of calcium supplements. On the other hand, calcium citrate has an increased rate of absorption compared to other supplements.

Vitamin D Supplements

Vitamin D is involved in many essential functions in your body. In addition to helping to build and maintain healthy bones and teeth, it also helps regulate your immune system and promote healthy blood pressure. You can get vitamin D from a variety of foods, including fatty fish, eggs, fortified foods and supplements. Older adults are at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency because they’re less likely to go outside and get plenty of sunlight, which is a natural source of vitamin D. If you’re at risk of vitamin D deficiency, talk to your doctor about whether you should take a vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D comes in two main types: Vitamin D2 and D3, which are both available in supplements. While D2 and D3 have many similar functions, D3 is more readily transformed into the active form of vitamin D in your body. Because of this, D3 is more effective at increasing your blood levels of vitamin D than D2.

Multivitamin Supplement For Bone Health

A multivitamin supplement can help ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need to build strong bones and maintain good bone health. You should choose a multivitamin with at least 10 to 15 mg of vitamin D and at least 1000 mg of calcium. Be sure to check the label and select a multivitamin with no more than 100% daily value of each nutrient, since you don’t want to take too much of any one thing. When choosing a multivitamin for bone health, make sure it contains the essential nutrients for strong bones. You can choose a multivitamin that’s formulated for seniors, young adults or active adults.

Beef Tallow and Bone Health

One of the nutrients essential for strong bones is magnesium. A deficiency in magnesium can lead to brittle bones and arthritis, which is not something you want to deal with as you get older. Beef tallow is rich in magnesium, which is essential for strong bones. Studies have also shown that diets rich in animal fats and low amounts of carbohydrates are associated with higher bone density. If you want to strengthen your bones and protect yourself from osteoporosis, eating a diet rich in healthy fats like those found in beef tallow is a great place to start.


As you can see, there are many different supplements that can help support healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis. It’s important to remember that these supplements are just one part of an overall strategy for keeping your bones strong. The best way to protect your bones is to get plenty of calcium and vitamin D from food and sunlight, exercise regularly, drink plenty of water and limit your intake of alcohol. When you combine these things with the right supplements, you can help keep your bones strong and healthy for your entire life.



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