The Ultimate Guide to Immune Support Supplements: What You Need to Know
The immune system is the body’s way to protect itself against infection and disease. A healthy immune system can help you fight colds, flu, and other illnesses. But when your immune system is weakened, you are more likely to get sick. Immune support supplements can help strengthen the immune system. Supplements like vitamin C, zinc, and turmeric play a vital role in supporting the strength of your immune system. Here are some tips on how to use supplements for a healthier life!
What are immune support supplements?
Immune support supplements are a type of dietary supplement and can include substances like vitamin C, zinc, and turmeric. These substances have been shown to help strengthen the immune system.
Vitamin C for immunity
Vitamin C is one of the most common immune support supplements. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps fight against diseases, like colds and flu. It also helps your body maintain a healthy immune system by fighting off infections.
Zinc for immunity
Zinc helps the body to fight off infection. It is also needed for proper cell growth and metabolism. Zinc deficiency can leave cells vulnerable to infection and lead to a weaker immune system.
If you experience chronic illness, know that your body may have trouble absorbing zinc from food. If you’re not eating enough foods rich in zinc, it’s important to take a supplement or multivitamin that contains zinc. You should also take supplements if you are taking antibiotics that might affect your ability to absorb zinc in your stomach.
Turmeric for immunity
Turmeric is a spice that can help support the immune system. Curcumin, which is found in turmeric, has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This means that it may help prevent chronic inflammation from contributing to a weakened immune system. Studies show that curcumin may also help protect cells from damage and keep the body’s natural killer cells activated.
But what does this mean for your health? It means that turmeric can offer you some protection against viruses and bacteria by fighting off any potential infections. Studies have shown that people who take 1–2 grams of curcumin per day have an increased number of T-cells and natural killer cells compared to those who take a placebo.
There are a variety of nutrients you can take to support your immune system, but the key is finding the right ones to take. The most important ones are Vitamin C, Zinc, and Turmeric, so we recommend starting there.